Darling Harbour is one of the many inlets and quays that has been developed and turned into shopping, entertainment, and expensive housing areas. Darling is a 10 minute walk from the Hilton. It is also on the monorail line. Many restaurants are located here. This place rocks at night.

I wrote Oh Sydney from a quiet bench here along the water early one morning.

Note monorail in left corner - fast, clean, inexpensive
Filled with hundreds at night - restaurants encircle the area

Sydney Harbour is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. See what you think.
The Harbour Bridge - almost as famous
as the Opera House
The Bridge and the Opera House
They love their boats
Except where there are beaches, the shoreline is covered with housing - EXPENSIVE of course

Bondi Beach is only one of many that the citizens of Sydney frequent. In many ways, the beach culture defines their way of life. For example, going to the beach on Christmas or Boxing Day is a tradition. Skin is the name of the game at the beach. Public transportation makes getting there easy. Enjoy my edited scenes of Bondi. Remember, these pictures were taken in early fall Downunder.
On the way to the beach
Taking time.....
Have a coke
Enoying the sun and surf
Time for sand castles

Sydney is very cosmopolitan with a diverse ethnic mix, much different than 20 years ago when I first visited. It has everything you would expect for a modern city of 3.3 million and growing.

The best way to tour the city is by purchasing two special bus passes. The first day you purchase the Sydney Explorer Pass that allows you to travel throughout the city central. The second day, purchase the Bondi Explorer Pass that takes you to the suburbs and beaches. You have the option of getting on and off at places of interest plus you hear a recorded tour as you travel from one location to the other. Quite a good deal!

The skyline from one of the quays
There's that bridge again...
Taking time....
Campbell Cove area - What's in the background?
A restaurant with a view
One view of the Chinese Peace Garden
Another view of the Chinese Peace Garden
One of many shopping arcades