
Poet Prints are works of art, yet also affordable. Below are several samples from which to choose. If you select a predesigned one, such as below, you can purchase at a reduced cost. However, you may desire one created just for you. No matter which print you choose, each will contain my original poetry and photography. There are only 100 numbered prints available per poem and photograph combination. Poet Prints can be created from any poem on my site. For more information on pricing, click here.
Size: 5" x 7"
.......Unframed & numbered: Special pricing $28
.......Unframed & not numbered: Special pricing $22
Size: 5" x 7"
.......Unframed & numbered: Special pricing $28
.......Unframed & not numbered: Special pricing $22
Size: 5" x 7"
.......Unframed & numbered: Special pricing $28
.......Unframed & not numbered: Special pricing $22

Below is a sample of a commissioned poem created for a college graduation. It is not for sale. Depending on the number of prints the individual buys, these commissioned poems are unique and not sold to anyone else. However, I retain the author's right to use in my promotional releases, on my websites, and in future books.
Each commissioned poem is priced individually, depending on amount of time required, e.g. travel, framing, etc. This particular poem required travel time (total of six hours), seven hours writing, editing, and set up, and special framing.