About Bob


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Bob Casey is a professional writer and Tai Chi and Qigong instructor. More importantly, he is a seeker.  He sees life as an adventurous journey with innumerable lessons to be learned along the way.  From everyday experiences to the special life-changing ones–all impact who we are as well as the person we are becoming.  His poetry and writing often focus on these life events. 

He  has sailed, cycled, hiked, and traveled extensively throughout the  world.  A favorite memory is the year spent in New Zealand on a teaching Fulbright. In all his books, whether poetry vignettes, or novels, Bob tries to provide thoughtful comments on life.

As of January 2023, Bob has authored 19 books of poetry and vignettes and 4 novels. Click here to learn more. Under the pen name Leon Pashi, he authored 2 romance novels.

He  has had poems and articles published in anthologies and magazines. His  commissioned poem on the Village of Fredericktown, Ohio, "A Community That Cares," is  buried in a time capsule to be opened in 2107. His photographs have  appeared in a variety of venues including an international award-winning book, Schnormeier Gardens - Peace, Harmony, & Serenity  (2011)  and in Better Homes and Gardens.

"Poet Bob," as his car license plate declares, is a past-president of the Ohio Poetry  Association.  This position allowed him to interact with some of the  nation's top poets.  He is also one of the founding members of the Apple  Valley Poets, a group of outstanding poets in north central Ohio.

Bob  enjoys Tai Chi, Qigong, yoga, gourmet dining, reading, and helping  others. As  a senior trainer in Dr. Paul Lam's organization, he teaches a full schedule of Tai Chi classes. He resides with his wife in Midway, Utah. His son Craig and family live in nearby Heber City.

For a bit of philosophy go here.