Pictorially, we again focus on Colorado.
Poetical Journal ©by Bob Casey
Mission: To provide poetical and thoughtful comments on life
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This was VOLUME XXIII Issue 10: Sunday, November 26, 2023 (267th Issue)
- Opening Comments from Bob
- Three Poems: Art of Living, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Fruitless Efforts
- Please support my efforts for this publication by donating or purchasing merchandise.
- Vignette: More on the Move
- Recommendations
I-70 follows the Colorado River across the state.
...Opening Comments from Bob
This Page: The pictorial section again focuses on Colorado as we visit family. Jan and I are exploring the Castle Rock, CO, area for possible housing should we move there to be near our son and his family. All three poems, Art of Living, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Fruitless Efforts, are rather serious. Two talk about lessons learned in life and the other about a life well-lived but cut short.
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Unless otherwise noted, the pictures that follow were taken along I-70 that takes you from Grand Junction to Denver.
Because the road travels at times over 10,000 ft. we experienced an early October snow. Luckily, the road was only wet.
Three Poems
Comment: A while ago, I listened to a speech by Nobel Peace Prize recipient and poet Thich Nhat Hanh
that he gave in 2020. This poem attempts to summarize his thoughtful lecture.Comment:This is a form of a persona poem where the writer speaks and interprets what the individual
was thinking. Decades ago, while in college, I was a huge fan of Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer having read
several of his books. He was a world-renowned Christian theologian who was martyred for his beliefs
by the Nazis near the end of World War II. Decades passed and Bonhoeffer became mainly memories
to me. Last night, while searching for a movie on Amazon Prime I came across the movie “Bonhoeffer:
Agent of Grace” which I watched. Hence the poem, especially fitting for this season.Comment: A light-hearted look at a universal problem.
Vignette: More on the Move
As discussed in an earlier issue, our son and family moved to Colorado. Over the next months, we will visit them but also be looking and deciding whether Castle Rock is an area we would like to also live. In September, we appreciated the beauty of the state but disliked the traffic around the Denver area. At that time I thought it was worse than the traffic around the Washington, D.C. area. During our ten-day stay in Colorado in October, I modified my position on the traffic and decided it was no worse than I-15 traffic in Salt Lake City. The plus was that the drivers were more courteous. (One national survey ranked Utah drivers as some of the most aggressive drivers in the country.)
Another bonus of the trip was that Jan and I reunited with an old friend Derek Kent. We arranged one day to make the 90 minute trip to pay him a visit. Derek and I taught together in the late 60s and early 70s. The last time I saw him was in the Denver airport in the early 80s. We had a wonderful time reminiscing and catching up on each other's lives. He is still a great guy!
You will hear more over the next months.
Derek and I at his home.
Take time to give thanks.
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One shot of hundreds of possibilities - Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO
Ignoring the "Do No Climb" signs
Pictures taken at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.
Above and below: We enjoyed the 3+ hour trip up Pike's Peak (14,115 feet) on the Cog Rail. (Sadly, our son had to work.)
Tai Chi Corner
ZOOM class with Dr. Lam (Click here to locate the name of a
tai chi instructor near you, or contact me directly.
Bob Casey
Poetical Journeys
P.O. Box 319
Midway, UT 84049
bob@poeticaljourneys.comIf you are reading this and have not signed up for your free subscription
to the Poetical Journal, please click here.
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