Every planned adventure starts out with a dream. For decades I dreamed of sailing the world. I even took sailing courses and completed smaller sailing adventures in various parts of the world in preparation for that experience. Regrettably, I never found anyone who wanted to join me. With each passing year, that particular dream began to fade. However, the dream to explore the world only increased in urgency. Hence, my recent trip! I met many dreamers on this trip: Oka, the Bali tour guide dreams of a better life for his family; Tashi, the Singapore cabby, works to start his own business; and the couple from Sydney risking all to operate their small inn in Hobart. This section starts fittingly with the poem Dreams. I hope you too are dreamers.


Dreams help define us
Our hopes and our desires

They separate us
And bring us together

Without these mystical thoughts
We tend to whither away

Life's monotony overwhelms
The days pass into sameness

We pity the dreamless
And envy the dreamers

Dreams belong to all
None having a monopoly

They are boundless

From the Aborigine
Beginning his dream walk

To the single mother
Striving for a better life

Methodical they are not

Instead, they're but moments
Coming to fruition

Some dream of becoming rich and famous
But find happiness through local fame

Others dream of sailing the world
But circle by air instead

Lucky are the ones living their dreams
Luckier are the ones continuing to dream

To the dreamer, life offers not enough time
To the dreamless, life is far too long

For this journeyer, another dream fulfilled
And yet, many more to go
