Rotorua is an internationally known resort town made famous by its thermal activities. Many consider this city 'a must visit' when traveling to New Zealand. The most famous of the reserves is Whakarewarewa. The Maoris consider the area sacred. Almost all the major hotels have thermal pools. There are also public ones that you can enjoy. When you visit the city, expect to smell sulfur throughout your stay. Thankfully, you become quickly acclimated to the smell. There are many excellent dining possibilities and several first class places to stay. Enjoy the pictures. The rainbow caused by the sun reflecting through the geyser steam A view from our hotel, the Regal Geyserland - note the lookout stand, lower right Faith Anglican Church on the edge of Lake Rotorua (services in Maori and English) - inside a stained-glass window makes it appear that Christ is walking on the Lake Famous Government House and Gardens Government Gardens - note the professional lawn croquet course in the foreground
There she blows
Distance view - note the bridge and people watching back