The Grand Chateau is a world class hotel located at the base of Mt. Ruapehu. The design is the old grand style. Over the last several years, the rooms have been remodeled bringing it up to standard. Due to the current strength of the American dollar, you can stay there for $90 - $100 per night. The food is outstanding. The breakfast, which is included with the room, will meet everyone's particular tastes. If you have the time and want to celebrate a special occasion, e.g. simply being in New Zealand, then consider a stay at The Chateau.
Looking down on The Chateau on the way up to the ski area Whakapapa. Mt. Ngarihoe in the background. As you can see, the Chateau sets by itself in the midst of three volcanoes. Looking up to the entrance
Mt. Ruapehu - a winter view from the Dessert Road (east side). The Chateau is located at the northern base. Note the boys on the tussock