Observation Series Continued

The Roads Traveled

For the few, life is a stroll in the park.
Though there are distractions,
....amusement and laughter abound.
An occasional bump or bruise
....distracts from the fun.
Anticipation awaits the next day.
Thoughts of departing this earth are abhorrent
....for what could be better.

Others find the journey
....far more strenuous.
Deep, dark, dank jungles engulf them.
The sun's rays seldom pierce the canopied floor.
Instead monsoon rains
....beat and pelt their skin
....whether from the saturated flora
....or in the clearings,
....far and few.
A peaceful sleep is seldom known.
They count the days.

For most, the trail runs
....through valleys and mountains.
Highs on some days,
....lows on others,
....and in-between on many.
Tears flow with loss.
Smiles broaden with celebrations.
Through health and sickness
....they comprehend that these
....are the trappings of life.
For without the valleys,
....the views from the peaks
....would go unnoticed.

A select few experience the journey
....with few trappings.
Life, its joys and sorrows,
....are mere creations of the mind.
Pain and suffering, laughter and happiness,
....are temporal,
....fleeting to the grasp.
Instead, their days merge
....into the eternal flow of cosmic energy.
Their spirit is one with the Creator.

Comment: Each of us can find ourselves in one or more of the scenarios above. In the last stanza I am referring to the mystics or holy men and women who devote their lives to meditation around the clock. Some even reach a state where food and sleep are options, not requirements.

Come Out

Similar words commanded to Lazarus,
....as he arose from the grave.

Words that speak to us today.

Step forth,
....and let the heat of day
....soak your skin.

Allow the emerald greens
....to bring a grin to your face.

Embrace your love,
....and feel the warmth
....flow through the veins.

Shout, as perhaps Lazarus shouted,
....“I am alive!”

Whether old and feeble
....or young and virile,
....whether sick or healthy,
....Rejoice!Come out.

Let the words of the hymn
....reverberate throughout your being,
....“How can I keep from singing?”

Comments: Yes, I realize that sometimes the ability to be upbeat is tough, especially when suffering. This poem was written during a time I was suffering great physical pain. It helped me move beyond the pain, if only briefly.


So much time spent
....in these ubiquitous task.
Stoplights, stop signs,
....plumbers, electricians,
....breakfast meeting companions.
The list appears endless.

Even now, I wait
....for an ending to this poem.

Comment: After two heavy poems, you needed a light one.

Dusty road to Guardsman Pass summit
Cars top of Guardsman Pass
Artist enraptured with the view
View of the ski bowl at Sundance
View just before entering Provo, UT
Enjoying isolation


............Spin, spin,
.................the thoughts whirl.
............Do this, do that,
................what should one do?

................incessant music
................wherever one goes.

............Flashing screens
...............and diatribes,
...............there is no escape.

............Welcome, welcome,
...............to modern America.

............Comment: None needed.

The Downpour

Clouds blanket the sky
.....blocking any hints of sun.
The rain falls in sheets
.....and then droplets,
.....quenching the thirst
.....of the flora below.
The cyclist curses,
.....having misjudged
.....the weather for the day.

Wordlessly, his mood changes
.....as he feels cooling drops
.....run down his cheek.
.....though no part of him dry.
His mind turns
.....to decades ago–
.....biking through the drenching
.....downpours of Scotland
.....and later smelling
.....the heather in the glen.
He smiles
.....as do the plants.
All is well on the trail.

Comments: Frankly, I seldom choose to ride in the rain, but sometimes it becomes unavoidable. Some of the greatest rides in my memory occurred when the skies let loose. My ride near Loch Lomond (hinted at in the poem above) was the wettest I have ever experienced, yet it is one of my favorite memories.

The Springtime of Life

Some say, "I am old,"
......but I say, "I am young."
Eighty-two is a number,
......not a death knell.
Sure, I can't run the 100
......in under 10
......but neither could I
......at eighteen.
Sometimes I forget things,
......but I understand far more
......than I did at twenty-four.
Yes, my skin is wrinkled
......and muscle tone gone.
So what?
......I still admire a youthful limb
......and seldom need to rush anywhere.
Slow and steady is the name of the game.
Instead, I am in the springtime of life,
......experiencing rebirth,
......no longer fearful of what lies ahead.

Comments: I am far from eighty-two but have been inspired by several individuals who have passed through that age with true dignity, one being my mother. This poem also was inspired by a tai chi saying that refers to the elderly being in the springtime of life versus in western thinking that they are in the fall or wintertime of life--a truly different perspective.

Some students practicing tai chi
Cambodian dancers

New Daily Desk Calendar

The pages are glued one on top of the other,
    thick and voluminous,
    with quotes of wisdom
    appearing on each sheet.
Each represents
    markers of the future.
2014 stands on the case,
With each daily tear
    history passes.

Should I wonder, worry
    about the future
    or . . .

Comments: You finish the poem. Please send me your endings. I am curious.

No Time

Too busy to take the much needed nap.
A thousand, no two thousand
    things to do.
What will others think
    if I doze off for ten minutes or so?
“Laggard, lazy, sluggard”
    pejorative terms I might hear.
My nerves are frazzled,
    where am I?
Am I working on the spreadsheet?
My head hurts.
I feel a cold coming on.
Enough self-pity,
    back to work.
Comment: The above speaks to the common disease of modern humans. I sometimes joke that the person's last words are "Wait, I don't have time."

The Great Conundrum

Age is the great conundrum
    where the mind
    believes youthful
    but the body says otherwise.
In time,
    one or both betray the other.

Comment: None needed.

Peach blossoms at Sun Yat-sen Park on Maui


Gallery in downtown Midway, UT
