Cycling in Spring

What a ride we had today
...with you upon my lap.
Though we had a stare or two,
...even a few laughs.
It took awhile for you to adjust the pumping of my legs.
But finally you cuddled close
...and laid your head to rest.
Your hair continued blow in my face,
...but I could care the least.
For it smelled of wildflowers,
...a fragrance that cannot be beat.

What sights we saw as we cycled on
...with nature at her peak.
The purples and whites of the wild flowers
...lined this blacktopped street.
The rivers were high from recent rains
...flowing beyond their banks.
Across the bridges we safely passed
...going on and on and on.

We finally discovered a place to rest,
...a picnic table quite alone.
There we savored the wine and cheese
...toasting to the lack of stress.

Farther on we traveled
...before turning back around.
For a tree had fallen covering the path
...telling us to head home.
As we cycled back,
...your eyes were often closed.
But to my ears the melodies rose you hummed your favorite songs.

Though you thought you worked today
...that was only a dream
You were actually on my lap
...cycling this day in spring.
Comments: Obviously, this was a fanciful trip. I actually took the bike ride and the pictures, but the pleasant company I described was only a fantasy, though a pleasant one. In theory, you could actually do the ride since I bike with a recumbent. But, you wouldn't go far. (Please see picture to left.)

To see other pictures of the ride click here.

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