Pictorially, we travel again to our beloved Maui
Poetical Journal ©by Bob Casey
Mission: To provide poetical and thoughtful comments on life
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VOLUME XXIII Issue 3: Sunday, April 28, 2024 (272nd Issue)
- Welcome & Online Version
- Opening Comments from Bob
- Three Poems: Thompson Road via a Friend, Sounds Touch, and Four Question Formula
- Please support my efforts for this publication by donating or purchasing merchandise.
- Vignette: A Question Asked
- Recommendations
- Quotable Quotes
- Bits of Humor
- PJ Forum
- PJ Demographics Subscribers in 27 states and 13 countries
- PJ Online
- PJ Policies
- Subscription information
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The next Poetical Journal will be out May 26, 2024.
Mana Foods is a grocery and delicatessen located in "an old hippy town" but now upscale Paia Town. It is one of the most unique stores you will ever visit. We always buy some personally ground peanut butter and coffee beans. Ask any Maui-an they have a story about Mana's. It has been forty years in business.
...Opening Comments from Bob
This Issue: We again return to one of our favorite places on earth, Hawaii. This month's pictorial focus will be on the Island of Maui. There are three poems. The first, Thompson Road via a Friend, extols the Hawaiian experience. The second, Sounds Touch, though lighthearted speaks on one of life's gifts. The third, Four Question Formula, is a thinking poem. Of course, there is the traditional regular content.
Subscriber Residences: PLEASE let me know if your state, providence, or country is not listed in the demographic section at the end. There currently are subscribers in 27 states, 3 provinces, and 13 countries. See complete list near at the newsletter.
Next Month: The next issue comes out on May 26, 2024. We focus on Part 2 of the Maui Experience,
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PLEASE! Supporting the efforts of the Poetical Journal is greatly appreciated! Any amount of donation is appreciated. To support, click here.
Since I have been privileged to visit Maui many times, my pictures may differ a bit from the typical first-time tourist.
Whenever I land on Maui one of the first factors to hit my senses are the floral fragrances and the abundance of tropical
flowers evidenced everywhere. The bougainvilleas, though not native plants, say, "You have officially arrived in paradise."
Three Poems
Comments: One of my subscribers, having read about my many walks there, out of the blue, emailed me
that she planned to walk Thompson Road and needed directions. The poem speaks to my excitement about
the request.Comments: Self-explanatory.
Comments: Several spiritual speakers I have heard suggest that you regularly ask yourselves the above
four questions and react accordingly.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vignette this Month: A Question Asked
Individuals that know us sometimes ask the question, "Why do you keep returning to Hawaii?" True, for almost forty years we have returned to the Islands almost yearly, even on several occasions twice a year. The implication in the question is "Why not visit other places? Don't you become bored?" Allow me to address the question in a couple of ways. When we lived in Ohio, we never became bored traveling an hour north to Lake Erie to dine on perch and savor the atmosphere. Most of us have favorite places we never tire of. For some, it is staying home on their recliner or gardening in their yards. A second response is that we love the lifestyle and ambiance. Jan and I have been privileged to have visited every state and have appreciated the beauty that each offers. However, Hawaii possesses something unique called the "Aloha Spirit." Though over the forty+ years we have observed many changes, some negative, that intangible spirit still exists. Life is a bit less hurried. Family remains central in many lives. Friendly smiles are still given freely. Of course, the beauty of the topography is hard to beat.By many standards, Jan and I are aged but as long as life allows, we hope to continue our regular visits and share them with you.Recommendations
These recommendations have appeared in previous issues but have stood the test of time with Jan and I having sampled or visited there many times:
Restaurants: Monsoon India in Kihei, Coconuts in Kihei, and Paia Fish House in Paia.
Shops: Sherry Reeves Gallery and Maui Hands Gallery in Makawao and Mana Foods in Paia Town
Please take a look at the online book and gift pages.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For years, weather permitting, Jan and I do morning tai chi at this spot. Just over the crest, is a beach which is
a couple miles in length.
Quotable Quotes
“So you're a little weird? Work it! A little different? OWN it! Better to be a nerd than one of the herd!”
– Mandy Hale"The greatness of art is not to find what is common but what is unique.: – Issac Bashevis Singer
"Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals." – Kallam Anji Reddy
A tradition started over 10 years ago. Usually on day 1 or 2 following our arrival on Maui, we head
Upcountry to visit the strawberry farm and vegetable co-op stand. The small facility is on a road (at
the 3000-4000 ft level) that encircles Maui and the volcano, Mt. Haleakala. The strawberries and blueberries
are picked daily. Pictured with a spectacular view is a small garden next to the stand.The view from an Upcountry restaurant in Kula.
A Bit of Humor
A bit of laughter is healthy for the soul
We've Got a Situation
The pope is early for his flight. He asks his driver on his way to the airport if he could drive around for a while because they have time to kill and he hasn't driven a car since becoming the pope.
Naturally, he's a bit rusty, so he's driving poorly, when suddenly he sees police lights behind him. He pulls over and when the officer comes up to the window his eyes go wide. He says to the pope, "Please wait here," and goes back to his car to radio the chief.
Cop: "Chief we have a situation. I've pulled over an important figure."
Chief: "How important? A governor or something?"
Cop: "No sir. He's bigger."
Chief: "So, what? a celebrity or something?"
Cop: "More important, sir."
Chief: "A major politician?"
Cop: "No sir, he's much more important."
Chief: "WELL WHO IS IT!?"
Cop: "Well actually I'm not sure. But the pope is his driver."
Compliment of A Joke A Day
A very common sight, a native Hawaiian fishing (Native Hawaiians are not required to have a fishing license.)
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Park is a small roadside park in Keokea (makai) between mile markers 18 and 19. It is about 2,400 feet above the south Maui coast and scenic views here are excellent. Few tourists are aware of this quiet place honoring one of the early founders of modern China. Sun Yat-Sen spent many years on Maui during the early 20th C. (Also, great place for a picnic. In nearby Keokea, purchase some fresh bakery goods at Grandma Coffee House or a $2 hot dog at Fong Henry General Store - used to be $1)
Tai Chi Corner
Practicing the Yang 24 Cane form during one of my daily practices.
Click here to locate the name of a tai chi instructor near you, or contact me
directly.PJ Forum
If you have comments, recommendations, or suggestions for the PJ, please e-mail them to bob@poeticaljourneys.com. I personally respond to all. (When editing the comments for publication, I eliminate very personal comments and edit for spacing.
There were no comments this month.
Reader Demographics
States - AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, NC, ND, NY, OH, OR, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, and WI
Canadian Provinces - BC, ON, and QC;
Countries - Albania, Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Turkey, UK, U.S., and Venezuela.
........Changes to this section will be updated each month.
If your state, province, or country is not mentioned, please let me know.
Book Reviews
Blast Series: Review by Janice M. regarding Blast Book Four: . . . I loved the book. There were so many ideas floating around in my head from your writings, and I understood everything you wrote about. I saw the visions while traveling through the pages. Thank you for your inspiration. . . ."
General: JJG wrote: I've read Bob's "To the End of Time" trilogy twice, each time gaining deep and deeper insights into the human condition. The three small volumes hold their own as good stories but also provide a unique glimpse into a new religious paradigm. Would that it could come to be.
Specific Book: To the End of Time and Back: An Epic Journey
David from Utah: "The new novel, To the End of Time and Back is a skillful account of two lovers on an 'Epic Journey,' racing through time and history to learn life-changing truths. Their spectral mentor, Arundel, sends them through difficult travels, but their relationship endures and remains strong despite physical, and psychological stress. Powerful emotions such as fear, anger and happiness, combine with lust, pain and sexuality to help them learn. Written in verse form, the story is an epic poem, painted to portray the duality of mankind throughout dimensions of human history that is sometimes cruel and horrific. The reader will come to know and understand what is being described and will certainly enjoy the stimulating elegance of the story and the philosophy. A thoroughly enjoyable read that is certain to make you think."
______________________Jim from Mt. Vernon: "I finished your book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was much easier to follow by having the whole thing in front of me, and reading as much as I wanted at a time. I felt pretty weary after bouncing around in time for many hundreds of years, but I was relieved to know that at least part of the world survived 'Armageddon'. What a feat you have performed."
______________________Kimberly from Ohio: "Well, Bob! I am rather blown away by your book. Finished it yesterday, and it only took four days, which means I was intrigued and wanted to know how the book ends. I'm a slow, deep reader and since my profession is writing and editing, I edit continuously as I read. Can't help it! But this book was worth dropping everything for and reading to the end. I admit to cynicism about your claim that it would change me, and I don't know that it has just yet but it won't be leaving my heart and head for a long time, and change could happen. I'm impressed that the book actually lived up to your claims for it. . . . I'm intrigued by this book because it rings so true, and I am therefore tempted to believe you actually were given the gift of this dictation. But if not and this is fiction, you have written one hell of a book, masquerading amazingly as non-fiction ... which is indeed one of the goals of fiction."
______________________An Ohio Reader: "WOW! WOW! WOW! I read it in one sitting and found so many things you wrote about 'true' for what I know and feel about past lives I've lived. Actually, the chapter about the Holocaust was something I couldn't bear to read–too sad and painful. (I've always felt that way about that period of history.) . . . it was very well done, Bob. Just beautifully done. I'm looking for the movie. . . I'm sure others will feel connected to this book just as I did. AMAZING. Just AMAZING. I couldn't put it down. There was so much anticipation with each chapter it hooked me from the very beginning. . ."
______________________Specific Book: Adelyn: An Epic Journey:
Ohio Reader: "In his book, Adelyn: An Epic Journey, Bob navigates the reader through a challenging journey in the time space continuum while exposing both the weaknesses and strengths of humanity. As Adelyn is exposed to the infinite love of The Source, the reader is challenged to understand how personal beliefs and actions often have more to do with cultural rather than spiritual influences. In a time and world filled with political anger and personal indulgences reading Adelyn offers the open-minded promise. It would make a great book study."
Specific Book: The Tao of Momentary Thoughts
Doug from Ohio: ". . . I was not prepared for page 116 Should have been because of the extremely personal nature of the entire book. Please understand that the unusual length of time to finish your book (especially for a binge reader like me) was because it screamed to be read thoughtfully in increments. For me that was 10-15 pages every weekend, often in quiet . . .Thank you for "putting pen to paper" and sharing your soul. Those of us who have followed Poetical Journeys will recognize much of the content. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to share part of your journey really feel a part of it."
Charles from Park City: "Hi Bob….I just picked up your The Tao of Momentary Thoughts. It’s wonderful . . I love your book."
Ed from Seattle: The Tao of Momentary Thoughts: "I was smiling all the way through the reading . . .I think I will reread it again during the next week."
PJ Online
To read some of the back issues of the PJ, go to here.
The next issue will go out on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
Until next time - joy and peace,
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Bob Casey
Poetical Journeys
P.O. Box 319
Midway, UT 84049
bob@poeticaljourneys.comIf you are reading this and have not signed up for your free subscription
to the Poetical Journal, please click here.
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