Our pictorial tour this month takes us on two fall tours. The still pictures were taken on Empire and Guardsman passes. Empire begins at the city limits of Midway. There are also video tours through East Canyon, just east of Salt Lake City, and our trip up Empire and Guardsman.

Fall Midway Area


Mission: To provide poetical and thoughtful comments on life


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This Page: VOLUME XX – Issue 9: Sunday, October 31, 2021 (242nd Issue)


My companion on the photo road trip that generated the pictures for this month's newsletter was my wife Janice.

Opening Comments from Bob

This Issue: Despite the drought, we had a gorgeous fall in Utah. The three passes mentioned in the photoshoots are very close to Midway where we live. To capture the Empire and Guardsman photos, we traveled only 37 miles round-trip. We also took a toured through East Canyon, another visual extravaganza. The first poem, The Mariner, speaks about playing it safe, not taking a risk. But the symbolism of a sailboat as the safe haven is excellent because it is just the opposite. All sailors understand, that a sailboat is subject to the whims of the weather and the water around it. Qigong is a fairly recent study I have begun. Some would argue that tai chi is one form of qigong. More information appears in the vignette.


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All pictures in this issue were taken on a fall drive up and down Empire and Guardsman passes.


Two Poems this Month

The Mariner

On the horizon the mountains rise
 ....  peaks jagged, foreboding.
Though mid-summer
 ....  snow stubbornly clings
 ....  to the rugged crevices.

Miles away
 ....  the sailor peers,–
 ....  the sails slack
 ....  the boat dead in the water.
An occasional puff
 ....  creates slight ripples on the cloth
 ....  but not enough to move onward.
Incessant beads of sweat
 ....  dapple the forehead.
When will the doldrums
 ....  ever end?

The mariner ponders,
 ....  consumed with doubt and fear.
“Why am I anxious to reach land?
The peaks appear insurmountable.
I won’t have the energy to climb.
Though hot, sweaty, and bored,
 ....  I am safe on this vessel.
I am in no rush.

I have time.”

Comments: Most don't want to take the risk for fear of failure.


Qigong has become part of the journey.
First came tai kwon do
 ....  than yoga and tai chi,
 ....  the latter still a passion,
Now, the ultimate complement,
 ....  qigong  joins my awareness.
There remains much to learn,
 ....  to savor
 ....  to digest.
A small voice led me here.
 ....  “Seize the moment.
 ....  Take a risk;
 ....  Discover the wisdom.”
A decision made with trepidation
 ....  but now an awakening.

Comments: Qigong is the perfect compliment to tai chi. In a sense this poem is also a compliment to the one above.




View from downtown Midway

Fall flowers along the roadside

Bonus Poem Section: On Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram I have been running a daily series of my older poems accompanied with an appropriate picture. I will show a favorite in this section each month. This poem first appeared in Volume VII – ISSUE 11: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 of the PJ.



Vignette this Month: A Bit about Qigong

Qigong is closely related to tai chi. Some state that it is a form of qigong. Its roots are in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and yes, martial arts. It focuses on balancing life energy (qi) within the body and the energy around you. Illness is the result of ill balance. Where tai chi requires a larger space to practice a form or pattern, qigong can be done within a space less than the size of a yoga mat. Many, especially with mobility and balance issues, practice seated.

Wikipedia succinctly states, "Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow-flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind. People practice qigong throughout China and worldwide for recreation, exercise, relaxation, preventive medicine, self-healing, alternative medicine, meditation, self-cultivation, and training for martial arts." Interestingly, the same comment could be made about tai chi.

Some state that there are over 10,000 forms of qigong. Most serious practitioners focus on one or two masters.






One place we never tire of visiting for breakfast or lunch is the Silver Fork Lodge in Brighton, UT. It is in the mountains near Brighton Ski Area. The food and staff are great! It is also an inn with nicely appointed, rustic rooms. We have returned many times over the 26 years since we first ate there.

During Spring, Summer, and Fall we enjoy the outdoors dining.
Even in the Winter, heaters allow some outdoor dining. Of course
the huge fireplace in the main dining area keeps you toasty when
you prefer indoors.

Bingham's Custom Meats - 371 East 300 North Morgan, UT 84050 |  801-829-3016: This was quite a discovery. We originally headed to the area to eat lunch at a well-known restaurant. It was closed. Based on a local recommendation, we decided to eat lunch at Bingham's. The sandwiches were huge and incredible tasting. The best hoagie I have ever eaten! The service by Monie and Reggie (pictured below) was friendly and efficient. Monie was able to answer many questions Janice had regarding the large variety of products. I highly recommend this business if you enjoy quality meat.

Please take a look at the online book and gift pages.










Tai Chi Corner

I recently helped with training some new tai chi instructors. (Picture
deliberately blurred.) Contact Bob for a name of an instructor near you.

Bob Casey
Poetical Journeys
P.O. Box 319
Midway, UT 84049


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