Our pictorial and video trip this month again focuses on fall in the Midway area with an emphasis on Cascade Springs.

Cascade Springs


Mission: To provide poetical and thoughtful comments on life


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This Page: VOLUME XX – Issue 10: Sunday, November 28, 2021 (243rd Issue)


My companion on the photo road trip that generated the pictures for this month's newsletter

Opening Comments from Bob

This Issue: Enjoy some final fall shots in my area of Utah. The primary focus is on Cascade Springs, a five-mile drive up the mountain from our home. The poems this month include some beautiful scenery, The Last Vestiges of Fall and Cascade Springs. The bonus poem section speaks on gratitude, especially appropriate during this Thanksgiving Season. My vignette, Stephen Smith, honors my dear friend.

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Pictures in this issue come from two sources, 1) during our five-mile drive up the mountain to Cascade Springs and 2) at the Springs.


Two Poems this Month + Bonus

Bonus Poem Section: On Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram I have been running a daily series of my older poems accompanied with an appropriate picture. I will show a favorite in this section each month. This poem first appeared in Volume IX: Issue 10: Sunday, November 28, 2010




Vignette this Month: Stephen Smith

On October 28, I lost my best friend Steve Smith. He died as we performed CPR. The below poem was written for his celebration of life held on November 13. Steve was one of my assistant tai chi instructors and my movie buddy. Almost every Friday, he and I headed to a movie. On the way there, we solved all the world's problems. On the way back, we corrected any errors the director may have made. We always joked that if the movie was bad at least the popcorn was excellent. In the poem are two references that need clarification. John refers to John McEnroe, the tennis great. Steve was attending Stanford on a tennis scholarship. One day a young freshman showed up and challenged him to the fifth position on the team. Though Steve won two games, he lost the match and his scholarship. This and a series of events led him to be drafted and ending up in Viet Nam where he won the Bronze Star for heroism. He suffered from the after effects of that war both physically and emotionally for the rest of his life. I will let the poem speak further.





If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to give thanks and show appreciation to family and friends.

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Tai Chi Corner

Some of my class practicing. Contact Bob for a name of an instructor near you.

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