I created Poetical Journeys in 2001. I revised the website in 2010 and 2021.

This was the Anniversary Issue of this newsletter which began Year 23.

The winter wonderland pictures were all taken in the Midway, UT area.

Poetical Journal ©by Bob Casey


Mission: To provide poetical and thoughtful comments on life


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This page: It was the February Issue - Sunday, February 26, 2023 (258th Issue)


A path cut through our backyard

...Opening Comments from Bob

This Page: The February Issue is always a special one as it starts a new year for this newsletter which began in 2001. The traditional vignette provides a brief history of the PJ. The three poems are A Winter Gift, The Snowy Bench, and Fade. The majority of pictures focus on what is on many Utahns' minds, snow.

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PLEASE! Supporting the efforts of the Poetical Journal is greatly appreciated! Any amount of donation is appreciated. To support, click here.



This barn has appeared in a number of my Utah shots over the years. Mt. Timpanogos (11,753 feet) in the background.

Three Poems

Comment: This has been the winter of snow in Utah. As you will see from other pictures, the ones
with this poem were taken in early winter.

Comment: An allegory on a snowy bench.

Comment: A bit darker but nevertheless true for all of us.



You can moan about what you can't control or you can accept and even enjoy it, e.g. endless snow ....:-)

Please take a look at the online book and gift pages.


Snow-banked sidewalk to the mailboxes.

Bald Eagle (Sadly, I didn't have my high powered lens with me. I could have gotten a better pic.)


Snow everywhere in Midway, UT (We have far more snow now. These pics were taken in mid January.

Celebrating Chinese New Year with family.


Vignette: A Bit of PJ History 

(A variation of this vignette is run in each anniversary issue.)   

Twenty-two years have passed since I sent out my first Poetical Journal. This issue begins the twenty-third year. At one time the newsletter had over 22,000 subscribers, one of the largest poetry newsletters in the world. In fact at that time, Bob Casey was number one in a Google search. However, when another Bob Casey became governor of Pennsylvania and later senator, my name was relegated to page 2 or 3. Over the years due to costs and internet rule changes, my subscriber numbers drastically dropped. However, I still have one of the longest running poetry newsletters in the country. Another plus, ninety\ per cent of those who currently subscribed have been with me for over seventeen years.

Over the years, the format has changed. The original biweekly newsletters were two pages with no pictures. If you were to print this issue including the pictures, it would run fourteen pages.

I proudly can say that the newsletter has always come out on time despite open heart and major abdominal surgeries along with two near death experiences.

I have tried to create a newsletter that is upbeat based on the premise that much of our news today is negative and disheartening. However, as a poet, I would be failing my role if I didn't write about the bigger issues facing all of us in life.

Another principle I have held is to never spam or inundate subscribers with unsolicited emails.

One of the great joys has been interacting with subscribers over the decades. Two of my favorite early subscribers were teenagers and have matured into very responsible adults making worthwhile contributions to society. Others have passed on and still others have moved into retirement. Life is change.

For each of you, I am thankful to have you join me each month.



Outside my front door

Pictured a small corner of the annual Midway Ice Castle


Tai Chi Corner

Some of my tai chi students celebrating homebound Irene's 93rd birthday.
Irene entered my class in her mid 80s with a walker and within weeks the
walker was gone. Recent health issues has slowed her down. Click here to
locate the name of a tai chi instructor near you, or contact me directly.


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