Poetical Journeys
Providing thoughtful comments on life
Welcome to Poetical Journeys – This is this site’s third revision, which began in 2001. This newest version is greatly simplified from the close to 400 pages in the old one. You will continue to discover my latest poetry and photography, read an occasional vignette, receive a recommendation or two, learn about my twenty-six books, and generally experience an upbeat feel.
The most recent update occurred on March 23, 2025.
Explore the Beauty of Poetry and Life’s Moments
My Poetry
While my previous site had hundreds of poems, this will feature a minimal number, which will be replaced regularly. The poems will often include a photograph appropriate to the content.

Comment: This poem is not referring to traditional prayer but meditation where one quiets the mind. (Pic: Licensed through DP)

Comment: A realistic poem regarding life. (Pic: – licensed through DP.)
About Poet Bob
Casey, click on the button below.

DP – indicates picture licensed through Deposit Photos