Author Bob Casey – Promo Page

Though the book is laid out in verse form, it will read easily like a traditional novel. You will soon be oblivious to the form and become engrossed in the lives of the two passionate lovers.

One critic wrote, “At the outset, I have to describe Epic as a wonderful piece of writing and an extraordinary reflection of broad vision by its creator. As a voracious consumer of science fiction and fantasy writing, I have never encountered this type of approach to story-telling that addresses meaningful questions about existence. The obvious historic research involved in unfolding stories across different cultures and eras is extensive and lends an air of credibility to the stories told. The interactions between two characters who feel to me as human as me . . . an entity best described as an angel . . . offers a useful vehicle for articulating life lessons illustrated in the life stories. . .”  For more information–back cover

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Snippets: Chapter One – The Beginnings

A~ and Z~ began their forbidden love only weeks ago–
      the days consumed with passion and discovery.
A~ crossed a continent to be in her arms.
Now, both oblivious to all around,
     they are lost in the eyes of the other.

He remembers her in the beauty of youth
     though she knew him only by name.
Decades pass,
     both living their own lives,
     until the destined meeting
     entwined their paths into one.

 One day, A~’s casual exchange
     of written thoughts
     is shared with her.

Her curiosity piqued,
     an email is sent.

Later, messages exchanged and then long talks–
     the words subtle and then not so subtle,
     the desire and then the passion,
     the longing, the wanting,
     the flight, and the consummation.

Each marvels in the magic;
     each inwardly asks, "How can this all be?" . . .

How can such love–passion develop so rapidly?
They ask, “Are they immersed in some fantasy world?”
If others heard the story, they’d believe them fools
     for risking society’s rules.

They wonder, "How can such love be wrong?"
Decades already spent
     before the exchange of the first message.
Questions? Questions? Questions?

When not in the other's arms,
     when not caressing and memorizing every contour and line,
     when not exploring the recesses of the other's mind,
     they are thinking, thinking, asking, asking,
     “Can this be? Should this be? Must this end?" . . .



Suddenly, to their shock and horror,
     they are no longer alone.
A stranger stands near.
They cover themselves,
     fearful and exposed.

"Do not fear my children.
Be not afraid.
I mean you no harm.
I've come to provide you the answers
     and understanding you’ve requested.
I have much to teach you."

They are petrified,
     to the deepest cores of their bodies.
A~ barely utters, "Who are you? What are you doing?"
Z~ wants to escape, but her muscles are frozen. . .

The stranger is of perfect features–
     his face forever young, his eyes timeless.
His countenance exudes love.
His voice conveys sincerity and truth.
He is of this world, but not.

Both conclude that he must be an angel
     as described in the Bible.

The couple sits mesmerized
    wondering what is to come.
Fascination and questions overwhelm them.

“I am Arundel–
     a messenger,
     a conveyor of truth.
I am not an angel
     as described in the Bible,
     as you both think.” . . .

In the book, you will travel with our two lovers to Sumer, Ancient Rome, Carthage, Germany, New York, Brazil, India, and eventually to the end of time. (I hasten to add, the journey will be unique.)

The book contains joy, ecstasy, violence, and intrigue, but more importantly an important message.


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